Recommended Reading

Intuitive Eating
We've all been there-angry with ourselves for overeating, for our lack of willpower, for failing at yet another diet that was supposed to be the last one. But the problem is not you, it's that dieting, with its emphasis on rules and regulations, has stopped you from listening to your body.
Written by two prominent nutritionists, "Intuitive Eating" focuses on nurturing your ...more

Living With Your Body and Other Things You Hate
Let’s be honest: most people are unhappy with at least some aspect of their physical appearance. Just think of all the money we spend each year trying to improve our looks! But if worrying about your appearance is getting in the way of living, maybe it’s time to start thinking about body image in a completely new way.
Based in proven-effective acceptance and commitment ther ...more

Life Without Ed
Jenni had been in an abusive relationship with Ed for far too long. He controlled Jenni’s life, distorted her self-image, and tried to physically harm her throughout their long affair. Then, in therapy, Jenni learned to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition. By thinking of her eating disorder as a unique personality separate from her own, Jenni was a ...more
Eating Disorders

The Radically Open
DBT Workbook...
A groundbreaking workbook to help you develop healthy coping strategies, build a solid support network, and stay on the path to recovery. If you’ve been in therapy for an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, your past treatment may have focused on helping you control your emotions and contain your behaviors . However, research now shows... more

The Language of Letting Go
As the coronavirus pandemic affects our loved ones, our cherished communities, and our own health and wellbeing, we may be tempted to return to the caretaking and codependent behaviors we've worked to leave behind. Beloved author Melody Beattie will help you learn the importance of letting go.
Written for those of us who struggle with codependency, these daily meditations ...more

The New Codependency
In "Codependent No More, " Melody Beattie introduced the world to the term "codependency." Now a modern classic, this book established Beattie as a pioneer in self-help literature and endeared her to millions of readers who longed for healthier relationships. Twenty-five years later concepts such as self-care and setting boundaries have become entrenched in mainstream ...more

Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries help us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances -- Mental boundaries ...more

Can You Drink the Cup
Explores the deep spiritual impact of the question Jesus asks his friends James and John. With stories from his family life and his life with people with mental disabilities, the author challenges us to drink our cup to the bottom, thereby letting it become the cup of our salvation.

The Zen master and one of the world's most beloved teachers returns with a concise, practical guide to understanding and developing our most powerful inner resource—silence— to help us find happiness, purpose, and peace.
Many people embark on a seemingly futile search for happiness, running as if there is somewhere else to get to, when the world they live in is full of wonde

Jesus Calling
After many years of writing her own words in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior's voice and begin listening for what He was saying. So with pen in hand, she embarked on a journey that forever changed her—and many others around the world.
In these powerful pages are the words and Scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart. ...more
Shame and Vulnerability

The Gifts of Imperfection
New York Times best-selling author and professor Brené Brown offers a powerful and inspiring book that explores how to cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection to embrace your imperfections and to recognize that you are enough.
Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to beli ...more

Present Over Perfect
Instead of pushing for perfection
A few years ago, I found myself exhausted and isolated, my soul and body sick. I was tired of being tired, burned out on busy. And, it seemed almost everyone I talked with was in the same boat: longing for connection, meaning, depth, but settling for busy.
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, ne ...more

Rising Strong
The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. The author of Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection tells us what it takes to get back up, and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle, Brené Brown writes, can be our greatest call to courage, ...more

The Body Keeps the Score
A pioneering researcher and one of the world’s foremost experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for healing.
Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Such experiences ine ...more

Getting Past Your Past
A totally accessible user’s guide from the creator of a scientifically proven form of psychotherapy
for healing ailments ranging from PTSD to minor anxiety and depression
Whether we’ve experienced small setbacks or major traumas, we are all influenced by memories and
experiences we may not remember or don’t fully understand. When we are stuck, talk therapy often

Complex PTSD
I have Complex PTSD [Cptsd] and wrote this book from the perspective of someone who has experienced a great reduction of symptoms over the years. I also wrote it from the viewpoint of someone who has discovered many silver linings in the long, windy, bumpy road of recovering from Cptsd.
I felt encouraged to write this book because of thousands of e-mail responses to the a ...more
Mindfulness and Gratitude

The Mindfulness Toolbox
At last, an authoritative book filled with mindfulness tools that deliver an essential set of engaging, practical strategies along with key research and evidence-based information. The awareness boosting methods in this guidebook offer participants a means of reappraising and observing negative and anxious thoughts, habits, pain, and stress in fresh ways that produce new

Gratitude, A Journal
Keep a daily record of life's little blessings with this keepsake gratitude journal filled with a years worth of insightful prompts, inspiring quotes, and ample room for reflecting on all the things that make life great. More...

From one of the leading thinkers on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, a pioneering set of simple practices to dissolve anxiety, stress, exhaustion, and unhappiness.In "Mindfulness," Oxford professor Mark Williams and award-winning journalist Dr. Danny Penman reveal the secrets to living a happier and less anxious, stressful and exhausting life. Based on the techniques o ...more

Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts—Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak—that we owe many of the great contributions to societ ...more

The Highly Sensitive Person
How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You.
Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and water? Are you "too shy" or "too sensitive" according to others? Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? If your answers are yes, you may be a
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
Most of us feel overstimulated every once in a while, but for the HSP, it's a way of life. I ...more
Grief and Loss

The Unwanted Gift of Grief
Learn how to embrace the painful gift of grief and use it for transformation and healing as you journey through the wilderness to a promised lifeThe Unwanted Gift of Grief is a passionate, practical guide through the grieving process for those who have suffered loss--and those who suffer with them. Rather than talking people out of their grief and pain as a way to make the ...more

The Grief Recovery Handbook
Updated to commemorate its 20th anniversary, this classic resource further explores the effects of grief and sheds new light on how to begin to take effective actions to complete the grieving process and work towards recovery and happiness.
Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on the capacity for happiness. Drawing from their own histories as w ...more
Personality Disorders

Should I Stay or Should I Go
Narcissism is a modern epidemic, and it’s spreading rapidly. But how do you know if you are in a relationship with one—and, what can you do about it? We live in a world of romance and rescue, where many believe love will conquer all, and that the more we endure unacceptable behavior, the more likely that we can “fix” our relationships. It doesn’t always work that way—despi ...more

Loving Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be intensely caring, warm, smart, and funny—but their behavior often drives away those closest to them. If you're struggling in a tumultuous relationship with someone with BPD, this is the book for you. Dr. Shari Manning helps you understand why your spouse, family member, or friend has such out-of-control emotions—and ...more

I Hate You, Don't Leave Me
People with Borderline Personality Disorder experience such violent and frightening mood swings that they often fear for their sanity. They can be euphoric one moment, despairing and depressed the next. There are an estimated 10 million sufferers of BPD living in America today—each displaying remarkably similar symptoms:
● a shaky sense of identity
● ...more
Life Transition, Separation/Divorce

The best-selling guide for coping with changes in life and work, named one of the 50 all-time best books in self-help and personal development
Whether you choose it or it is thrust upon you, change brings both opportunities and turmoil. Since Transitions was first published, this supportive guide has helped hundreds of thousands of readers cope with these issues by providi ...more

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
John Gottman has revolutionized the study of marriage by using rigorous scientific procedures to observe the habits of married couples in unprecedented detail over many years. Here is the culmination of his life's work: the seven principles that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Packed with practical questionnaires and exercises, ...more

The Five Love Languages
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?
In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide.
Skills Workbooks

DBT Skills Workbook
A Clear and Effective Approach to Learning DBT Skills
First developed for treating borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has proven effective as treatment for a range of other mental health problems, especially for those characterized by overwhelming emotions. Research shows that DBT can improve your ability to handle distress without losing co ...more

The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
Simple, Concise,Step-by-Step Directions for Mastery of:
Progresive Relaxation
Self Hypnosis
Refuting Irrational Ideas
Coping Skills Training
Exercise Assertiveness

DBT Skills Workbook
For Bipolar Disorder
Even if you've just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it's likely that you've been living with it for a long time. You've probably already developed your own ways of coping with recurring depression, the consequences of manic episodes, and the constant, uncomfortable feeling that you're at the mercy of your emotions. Some of these methods may work; others might do ...more

The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists:
Coping with One-Way Relationship in Work, Love, and Family
"Narcissists-the imposters of our time. Reclaim your life from the one-way street! Disguised as high self-esteem, narcissism is actually a destructive form of self-love or extreme self-absorption." ...more

Narcissistic Lovers:
How to Cope, Recover and Move On
In a revealing study of relationships where partners love themselves first, last, and always, Cynthia Zayn and Kevin Dibble help readers determine whether their partner is over the line and has narcissistic personality disorder. The book draws on the authors' research and interviews with a variety of men and women who've been narcissized. Featuring compelling stories and

Disarming the Narcissist:
Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed
Do you know someone who is overly arrogant, shows an extreme lack of empathy, or exhibits an inflated sense of entitlement? Do they exploit others, or engage in magical thinking? These are all traits of narcissistic personality disorder, and when it comes to dealing with narcissists, it can be difficult to get your point across. So how do you handle the narcissistic people ...more

Codependency No More:
How to Cure Codependency, Start to Love Yourself and Fight for No More Codependent Relationship Ever
If you want to know how you can overcome your nature of codependency, then keep reading…
More often than not, people have face difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships. They are either too clingy or go into a complete emotional shutdown. They do not find proper connections with others that they...

The Emotionally Absent Mother: A Guide to Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed
Was your mother too busy, too tired, or too checked-out to provide you with the nurturing you needed as a child? Men and women who were “undermothered” as children often struggle with intimate relationships, in part because of their unmet need for maternal care. The Emotionally Absent Mother will help you understand what was missing from...